Home is where your soggy sleeping bag is
Living for a year in a ditch
Participant: Original Ditch Monkey
Hypothesis: (1) If he lived in the woods for six weeks, people might be so impressed they would donate lots of money to the Woodland Trust. (2) If he could do it for six weeks, he could do it for a year. (3) If he could do it for a year in the tame forests of England, he could do it in the Amazon jungle.Summary: Ditch Monkey experimented with living in the woods without any creature comforts, but continued commuting during the day to his office job in London. The six week version of the experiment went so well (after he got used to being snuffled at by badgers, soaked with rain, and hassled by glue-sniffers), that he decided to extend it for an entire year. The whole thing is documented on his blog. He is currently trying to raise funds to go and do the whole thing again... in the Amazon Rainforest.
We, although people keep dropping out so its only me, are going to live in the jungle for a year; sleep in hammocks, catch fish, cook over an open fire, survive off the land that sort of thing. How hard can it be?